From Taste-making to Opinion-shaping: The Importance of Music Reviews in Today’s World

What is a music review?

A music review is an evaluation of a piece of music or an entire EP/album written by a music critic, journalist, or reviewer. It typically includes an assessment of the musical composition, performance, production, and overall quality.

The review may provide some context for the music, discussing the artist’s previous work or the historical and cultural significance of the current work. Reviews are often found in a variety of media, including print publications, online publications, podcasts, and social media platforms.

A music review aims to inform the reader about the strengths and weaknesses of the music, as well as offer an opinion about its artistic merits.

Why do reviews even matter?

When a new genre or sound comes into town, music critics often help to start the conversation. With their opinions, they influence the stream-ability of a song and visibility generally. Reviews are particularly useful for artistes who are flying under the radar as well as already established acts. The more critics discuss your song, the more likely for new audiences to discover it.

Here are a few benefits of music reviews.
  1. Music reviews provide valuable insights and critical analysis of the music, allowing listeners to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation.
  2. They help guide listeners to new music, presenting them with the opportunity to discover new artists and genres they might not have otherwise found.
  3. Music reviews can help listeners make informed decisions about purchasing music, as they offer an opinion on the overall quality of the album or individual tracks.
  4. They provide a platform for new and emerging artists to gain exposure and recognition, as they reach a wider audience and expand their fan base.
  5. Positive music reviews can have an impact on an artist’s commercial success and often leads to increased album sales and concert attendance.
  6. Reviews contribute to the ongoing dialogue and discourse surrounding music, allowing for a deeper exploration of its cultural, historical, and social significance.
  7. Music reviews provide a platform for diverse voices and perspectives, as critics come from a variety of backgrounds and thus, offer unique insights.
  8. They serve as historical curators of music, documenting the evolution and trends of different genres over time.
  9. Music reviews can help shape the overall perception and legacy of an artist, influencing how they are remembered and discussed in the years to come.
  10. They foster a sense of community among music lovers, as they help provide a shared platform for discussion and debate about the kind of music we love.

About words

Words are marble. They have the power to make or mar, and music critics use this sparingly to influence the perception of the sound people pay attention to.

It is important to note that music critics are just one voice among many, and their opinions can be subjective. What one critic loves, another may hate, and what one critic sees as a flaw, another may see as a strength.

The ideal reviewer often attempts to strike a balance between subjectivity and objectivity, finding a way through their bias. Ultimately, the quality of the music itself and the appeal it has to listeners will determine its success.

My services

I offer music review services in different phases- before a song is released into the market to analyze the merits of a song, and post-release.

During a pre-release review I did for an artiste once, I noted that a particular tune could use a blend of female voices to make it work better. This insight may not have been possible if the song was already out in the market.

Sometimes, all you need is for someone to provide that extra ear so that any chords or progressions that need to be rearranged can be done before your song hits the streets. At other times, it may be that your lyrics need more work to perfectly pass the message you want to your listeners.

In whatever phase you decide to go for it, reviews are very helpful in the music ecosystem as they help to connect everyone involved to the magnificence of music. After all, music is really the language of the universe.

Need a review of your song?

Get in touch HERE.




Pavement by Yusei and Marlon Craft


As usual, I was streaming some random familiar songs that morning when my phone network became wobbly, and the stream stopped. 

I proceeded to pick up my phone from my bed to figure out what was wrong, then it hit me.

The next step was only natural. It was time to discover new music!

‘Rub shoulders with legends but never let them impose their process.’ This was the lyric that first jumped out from 3:40 second song. It was a feeling I had the night before when a new friend asked me what I would do if I found myself in the company of someone I really respected.

‘I hope we don’t scare when we think of rejection, I’m just sayin.’

The fear of rejection will be the undoing of us all. We fear that we’ll never be good enough for that opportunity or amazing partner, and thus, we burrow ourselves away in the inner recess of our minds and escape from this cold, cold world. 

I know I’ve felt it.

‘I wish this whiskey was so nutritious.’ This line almost makes me go crazy. How often we hope that we don’t have to any work and everything would be just easy. I sometimes stand with my big stomach in front of a mirror and wish it away.???

Yusei and Marlon made magic on this song which further stamped the fact that the story of one is the story of all. Despite the fact that the world of art is darn near saturated, we have a desire to stand out from the crowd.

We want our voice to matter.

‘My shoes are too small for me. They don’t fit me no more.’ 

Pavement is a feel-good song and with the lyrics more than a little reflective, the acoustic backdrop gives it an added magic.

I rate it an 8/10.