Bringing Your Memoir to Life: The Ghostwriting Process

Ghostwriting is the process of writing a book, speech, article, or any other piece of content on behalf of someone else, without taking any credit for it.

Now, when it comes to memoirs, ghostwriting takes on a particularly interesting role. A memoir is a first-person account of someone’s life experiences, often told in a narrative form. It’s a deeply personal and intimate genre that requires the author to share their most vulnerable moments, their triumphs, and their struggles. But not everyone who wants to write a memoir has the time, skills, or inclination to do so. This is the ghostwriter’s turf.

A memoir ghostwriter works closely with the author to capture their voice, perspective, and story. The ghostwriter will conduct extensive interviews with the author to understand their life experiences, their motivations, and their unique perspective. From there, the ghostwriter will take the raw material and craft it into a compelling narrative that adequately captures the essence of the author’s life.

One of the most important things a memoir ghostwriter must do is maintain the author’s voice. The goal is not to create a sanitized, sanitized version of the author’s life, but rather to accentuate their personality. A skilled ghostwriter will be able to navigate the author’s idiosyncrasies and quirks, their unique way of speaking and thinking, and use these elements to create a rich and authentic narrative.

Of course, ghostwriting isn’t without its controversies. Some people believe that a memoir should only be written by the person who lived it, and that ghostwriting is a form of deception. Others argue that ghostwriting is a legitimate way for people to tell their stories, particularly if they lack the time or skills to write a book themselves.

Here are some reasons you should hire a memoir ghostwriter.

First and foremost, let’s talk about time. Writing a memoir is a BIG project. It takes a lot of time and energy to sit and put all your memories and experiences into words. And let’s be real, most of us have busy lives with jobs, families, and all sorts of other obligations that can make it tough to find the time to write a book. That’s where a ghostwriter comes in – we can take on the heavy lifting and let you focus on living your life.

But it’s not just about time, there’s also the matter of skill. Writing is a craft, and not everyone is comfortable with it. Maybe you’re an incredible storyteller, but when it comes to putting those stories on paper, you freeze up.

Or perhaps you’re a fantastic writer, but the idea of writing about your own life feels too personal or overwhelming. That’s where a ghostwriter can really shine. We have the skills and experience to take your story and turn it into a book that you can be proud of.

And let’s not forget about perspective. Sometimes when you’re too close to a story, it can be hard to see the forest for the trees. A ghostwriter can bring a fresh perspective to your story, helping you to see things in a new light and find the themes and threads that tie everything together. Plus, we’re not emotionally invested in your story in the same way that you are, which means we can approach it with a bit more objectivity.

Of course, hiring a ghostwriter isn’t for everyone. Some people enjoy the process of writing and want to do it all themselves. And that’s great! But if you’re someone who feels like they could use a little help, a ghostwriter can be an invaluable resource. We help tell your story in a way that’s compelling, authentic, and true to who you are.

My Process

When you hire me, you’re not just getting a writer – you’re getting a soul therapist too. I’ll lovingly guide you through the process of reaching into the stories you really need to tell. Even if you falter, I’ll be there with you every step of the way.

Now, when it comes to actually writing the book, the process can vary from person to person. For some folks, I’ll start with a series of interviews to get a sense of their stories and voices. We’ll chat about life experiences, values, and the themes that you want to explore in your memoir. From there, I’ll use those conversations to start crafting the narrative of your book.

For others, we might start with a rough draft or a series of notes, videos, blog posts, etc, that you’ve already put together. I’ll take that material and use it as a jumping-off point to start building your story. We’ll work together to flesh out your ideas and find the throughline that ties everything together.

Once we’ve got a solid draft in place, we’ll go through a series of revisions to make sure that everything is just right. You’ll have plenty of opportunities to give feedback and make changes along the way. My goal is always to make sure that the final product is a reflection of your voice, your story, and your unique perspective.


Life is full of amazing experiences, both good and bad. And if you’re anything like me, you’ve probably had your fair share of them. Writing a memoir is like bottling up those experiences and sharing them with the world.

Think about it: when you’re old and grey and sitting in your rocking chair, wouldn’t it be nice to have a book full of your memories to look back on? Plus, you never know who your story might inspire or help. Maybe your struggles and triumphs will give someone else the strength to persevere through their challenges.

I know what you’re probably thinking – “I’m not a famous celebrity, why would anyone want to read my memoir?” Here’s the thing – your story is unique and valuable simply because it’s yours. Everyone has a story to tell, and yours is just as worthy of being heard as anyone else’s.

There’s something quite cathartic about chronicling one’s life story in a memoir. It allows you to reflect, make sense of your experiences, and maybe even find closure on certain events.

So, if you’re still on the fence about writing a memoir, I say go for it! Your story deserves to be shared, and who knows, it might even change someone’s life. Plus, it’ll give you something to do in your retirement besides yelling at the grandkids to get off your lawn.

Ready to share your unique story with the world?

Write with me.